NEW Mastery Workshops

Totally new or rehabbed Mastery Workshops 2022

Sept 22 Update: We apologize for the delay on these, but Sally got hit with Shingles in her face again in July 2022.  She's been battling this since 2018 & has snapped out of it several times.   Besides being severely painful, it makes it impossible for her to smile or talk most days.   This recurrence has been extra wicked so she sought out a solution to be able to move ahead on workshop lessons again. 

She's now using a text-to-speech technology that uses recordings of her voice from before she got sick and it creates the audio for some of the lesson sections.   Cool, huh? 

Just watch the main Category Page (where you are now) to see the project's image come up - and you'll know it's now in the Sew a Long stage or complete.